2019-20 Annual Fund

The Seibels House—Columbia’s oldest remaining building—is in critical need. Proceeds from this year’s Annual Fund will enable Historic Columbia to embark on the structural stabilization of this venerable landmark. Built circa 1796, it has hosted Historic Columbia’s administrative offices and has been a popular destination for private events and weddings since 1984, when its ownership was graciously transferred to Historic Columbia from Seibels family descendants.

Without the capacity to shoulder this massive project at one time, Historic Columbia and engineers have arrived at a three-phase approach to stabilizing the building. Your support of this year’s Annual Fund will empower us to complete the first phase, which has been designed to allow us to continue to use the building for day-to-day operations and event rentals.
Phase 1 is estimated to cost $100,000. The immediate needs that will be met in Phase 1 with your support include foundation stabilization, joist and roof repairs, and masonry replacement and repointing.
"Take your place in history by helping us save this irreplaceable Columbia landmark."
- John Sherrer

Please consider supporting the 2019-20 Annual Fund. Your gift will help Historic Columbia continue to provide safe and accessible locations to further the community's knowledge of it's place and past.
To learn more, please contact Megan Plott, director of development, at 803.252.7742 x 12 or mplott@historiccolumbia.org.