Why Palladium - Jordan Heavner
Friday, June 4th 2021

Each month, Historic Columbia introduces one of its Palladium members. This series is designed to highlight individuals from HC’s dynamic group of diverse professionals.
Meet Jordan Heavner
How long have you been involved with Palladium?
Two years.
Where are you originally from?
Charleston, South Carolina.
If you are not from Columbia, what drove you to this city?
Attending University.
What is your current profession and the name of the organization in which you work?
Healthcare services and consulting for nThrive.
Tell us, in your own words, why you became a member of Palladium.
As I learned about the work of Historic Columbia in the community, I had an interest in connecting with other like-minded individuals who understand and promote the value of our connection to the past and the stories that impact our present and future. My Palladium membership has transported me through time to learn about stories not often told, lovingly restored homes and properties, and great visions that honor the experiences of those in the past with reimagined purpose in the future. Come join me!
What is your favorite part about Palladium membership?
Discounted tickets to events and a platform to connect with others who love history.
Why is history cool to you?
I have always felt a pull to history, particularly tales of the past that often feel so far from our lives today; a form of escapism, to some extent, but then the more you learn about the people and their lives, you realize that so many aspects of humanity and what we want from life and the world have transcended time. Growing up, my family vacations always included visits to historical sites. I can't imagine a trip that didn't connect to the culture and the people of the area and their history. As a child, the people and their way of life seemed so different from my own. I imagined that they were all unlike anyone living today, and that's why the world was so different. Learning more about lesser celebrated figures, particularly women and people of color, showed that while people are often a product of their time, there have been and will always be big thinkers, people who are willing to take risks and push for what is right. People who see what can be instead of what has always been are the reason the world looks different now than in the past, and that shared line across centuries and continents is reassuring as we all think about what challenges we will faced with in our lifetime.
What's your favorite moment in history and/or a historical figure that inspires you?
Anne Boleyn is an often villainized yet incredibly influential character in history. In a time when the kings and queens of Europe only married other royal families in an attempt to forge alliances and garner support on the battlefield, Anne took the opportunity to influence the decisions of one of the most powerful monarchs of the time: King Henry VIII. Using her knowledge and belief in the teachings of Martin Luther and other notable figures of the Reformation, Anne convinced Henry to break with Rome and the Catholic Church in response to the Pope's refusal to annul Henry's marriage to Catharine of Aragon. Moving forward with divorce would result in excommunication, which not only impacted Henry but the lives of his people. Whether or not she was right to do so, Anne's intelligence and wit convinced a devout Catholic king to risk eternal damnation of his soul (based on the belief of the time) in order to remarry and produce a prince for England. Anne's knowledge of the Reformation convinced Henry to name himself as the Head of the Church of England, unheard of for a monarch of Catholic Europe, and further impacted the spread of the Reformation. Although Anne was later beheaded by Henry in what is probably the most well known piece of her story, she first delivered a baby who would later become Queen Elizabeth I. Anne took risks and used her intelligence to achieve her goals in a world dominated by men and ultimately gave England its first queen and a long reign of peace.
What is your favorite building in Columbia?
The Babcock Building.
What is the most inspirational program to you, that Historic Columbia is focused on?
Columbia City of Women.
Enhance Our City
Palladium members don't just learn about Columbia's past - they have a say in its future. Our fundraising events support Historic Columbia's important preservation and advocacy work, which in turn helps preserve the charm and vitality of the city we call home.