Houseplant Appreciation Day
Friday, January 10th 2020

Houseplants both oxygenate and beautify our homes, but many people become bored with the limited selection of species sold as houseplants. As it turns out, some of the plants we grow outside here at Historic Columbia make great houseplants as well.
Cast Iron plants (Aspidistra species) are just as tough in your living room as they are under heavy shade in the garden and there are many brightly marked species and varieties available. “Flowering Maples” (Abutilon species), actually members of the Hibiscus family, are non-stop bloomers outside and in, sporting flowers in every color except blue, as long as they are placed in a bright spot in your home. Nurseries Caroliniana and Plant Delights Nursery, Inc. are excellent mail order nurseries located in the southeast that offer many selections of these versatile plants.

Remember, our gardens and grounds are free and open to the public, so come take a look at these great plants in person!